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Crisis and Emergency Management 

There are several hotlines available that can provide help at any time.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 

The Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741

2-1-1 Info-line: Free 24-hour information, referral, crisis intervention services, problem solving, and more helpful services and programs. Calls are free and confidential. TDD (Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf) and multilingual staff are also available. Website: Toll-free info line: 2-1-1

Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Services: Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Services the Department of Children and Families (DCF) funds community-based Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Services to prevent unnecessary placement of young people with emotional or behavioral disturbances. The service is for children from birth through age 17 and/or their family, is available 24 hours a day, and requires no out-of-pocket costs.

  • Clifford W. Beers Guidance Clinic 

  • Rushford Behavioral Health Services

  • Southwest CGC of Greater Bridgeport      

  • CGC of Southern Connecticut



(203) 367-5361 

(203) 324-6127


Runaway and Troubled Youth and Their Families: The Department of Children and Families (DCF), Child Guidance Clinics, Family Service Agencies, community-based youth shelters, and crisis intervention programs all provide counseling assistance to youth and their families. Local Youth Service Bureaus offer peer counseling, employment-related services and in some instances, shelter services as part of their delinquency prevention program.


For information 24 hours-a-day about locally available shelters or host homes for youth who cannot remain at home, call Info-line at 2-1-1, or the Child Abuse and Neglect Toll-free Hotline at 1-800-842-2288.

Community Action Agency: provide case management services as well as other direct services including but not limited to: energy and weatherization assistance, emergency services, and mature adult services to low income families. 
Located on 419 Whalley Ave., New Haven, CT 06511, First Floor

Emergency Shelter Services-Local

New Haven Care Ways Shelter
223-225 Portsea Street, New Haven, CT 
(203) 492-4873

Columbus House 

586 Ella Grasso Blvd., New Haven, CT

(203) 773-9673

Women in Crisis 

559 Howard Avenue, New Haven, CT 

(203) 624-5798

Christian Community Action Hillside Family Shelter

168 Davenport Avenue, New Haven, CT

(203) 777-7848

Emergency Shelter Management Services

645 Grand Avenue, New Haven, CT

(203) 777-2522

New Haven Care Ways Shelter

223-225 Portsea Street, New Haven, CT

(203) 492-4873

New Haven Family Shelter 

124 Sylvan Avenue, New Haven, CT

(203) 777-7173  

Life Haven

447 Ferry Street, New Haven, CT

(203) 776-6208

Milford Beth El Shelter

90 New Haven Avenue, Milford, CT 

(203) 876-0747

Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline

Provides statewide toll-free service for reporting suspected abuse, neglect, abandonment or exploitation of children and youth under 18. Social workers are on call 24 hours a day to intervene in a crisis and help families.


Toll-free Telephone: 1-800-842-2288. * Toll-free TDD: 1-800-624-5518.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence shelter programs provide short-term emergency shelter for adult victims and their children, as well as free and confidential 24- hour hotlines, counseling and advocacy services, and support groups. Referrals to other community resources, including counseling programs for abusers, are also available.


For non-crisis information on shelters and services, contact the state Department of Social Services (DSS). Telephone: (860) 424-5241 or the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) Telephone: (860)-527-0550.


For an emergency, call the statewide, 24-hour Toll-free Hotline: 1-888-774-2900.

Sexual Assault Crisis Centers

Sexual assault crisis programs provide free, confidential, direct services for past and present victims of sexual assault and their families. Services include:


  • 24-hour, statewide, toll-free hotline with immediate access to trained certified counselors;

  • Crisis intervention and short-term counseling; accompaniment and advocacy through the medical, police, and court systems;

  • Information and referral for other needs and additional counseling;

  • Support groups for rape and incest victims/survivors and also for parents and partners; male counselors to work with male victims and friends and family;

  • Professional in-services, community education, and child sexual abuse prevention training;

TDD Access, Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; sign language interpreters.


To be connected with your local Sexual Assault Crisis Center, call the Statewide, 24-hour, Toll-free Hotline: 1-888-999-5545.

Toll-free Spanish Response Service: 1-888-568-8332.

For non-emergencies, call Telephone: (860) 282- 9881 or check the list below for a Sexual Assault Crisis Program near you.


Local Sexual Assault Centers

New Haven Fair Haven Community Health Center 374 Grand Avenue,  06513

(203) 777-7411

Hill Health Center

400-428 Columbus Avenue,  06519

(203) 773-1134 

Dixwell Health Center

226 Dixwell Avenue,  06511

(203) 787-9055

Columbus House Shelter

200 Columbus Avenue,  06519

(203) 773-9673

Stratford Community Health Center

727 Honeyspot Road, 06497

(203) 375-7242

Grant Street Partnership

62 Grant Street,  06519

(203) 785-9100

Women’s Health Services

911 State Street,  06511

(203) 777-478

West Haven Health Center

285-287 Main Street,  06516

(203) 931-3750

Protective Services for the Elderly (PSE)

PSE receives and investigates reports of neglect, self-neglect, abuse, abandonment and exploitation of persons 60 years old or older living in the community. DSS Social Workers provide intervention and short-term services to protect vulnerable elders.


Contact a DSS regional office listed under Multi-service Agencies in this book, or Toll-free Telephone: 1-888-385-4225.

For Urgent Calls After 4:30 p.m. (EST)  Info-line: 2-1-1.

Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS)

DSS coordinates and funds a variety of services that enhance the quality of life for the state’s elderly citizens. Services include the following: Connecticut Statewide Respite Care Program: Provides respite services, information, and support for families caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. The person must have an income of $30,000 or less and liquid assets of $80,000 or less. The program is operated through the five Area Agencies on Aging in CT and pays up to $3,500 in respite care services per family per year.

Statewide Toll-free Telephone: 1-800-994-9422. Telephone: (860) 424-5279.

Connecticut Partnership for Long Term Care

Enables residents to pay for future long-term care without impoverishing themselves. They can buy a pre-approved private long-term care insurance policy from a company that is participating in the Partnership and protect a specified amount of assets from Medicaid spend-down. Toll-free Telephone: 1- 800-547-3443.


Connecticut’s National Family Caregiver Support Program

Provides information, assistance, support groups, counseling, training, respite and supplemental services to families caring for someone aged 60 and over and grandparents 60 and over raising children.

Toll-free Telephone: 1- 800-994-9422. Telephone: (860) 424-5199.


DSS Social Workers act as Conservators of Estate for persons 60 years of age and older, when no other Conservator can be found by the Probate Court. Clients must meet income guidelines (assets of $1,500 or less). Financial management is provided to elders whose assets and welfare would be jeopardized without this service. DSS Social Workers also act as Conservator’s of Person for income-eligible people, over age 60, who have been determined by the probate court to be incapable of making sound decisions to assure their own health and welfare. This program enables substitute decision-making in areas such as housing, medical treatment, advanced directive planning and gives the DSS.

Commissioner legal responsibility for an elder’s care and wellbeing. Education: DSS, in partnership with Elderhostel Inc., provides financial assistance – hostelships – to low-income individuals who wish to attend an Elderhostel programs but cannot afford the cost. Individuals must provide proof of income for eligibility purposes.

Toll-free Telephone: 1-866-218-6631 | (860) 424-5293 | (860) 424-5241.

AIDS Projects Initiatives

AIDS Projects are direct-service, community-based organizations staffed largely by volunteers. Although AIDS Projects vary, some of the available services include


  • outreach and education;

  • hotlines in English and Spanish;

  • financial support; transportation;

  • group support;

  • case management;

  • meals-on-wheels;

  • housing;

  • and referral to clergy, physicians, lawyers and volunteer “buddies.”


Group support for HIV-infected people, people with AIDS, and caregivers is provided at meetings facilitated by trained volunteers. Bereavement groups and youth groups are also sometimes available.


For specific services offered, call the nearest AIDS Project listed below.

AIDS Project Hartford

Address: 110 Bartholomew Avenue,

Hartford, CT 06106-2241

Hotline: (860) 247-AIDS (2437).

Toll free HIV/AIDS Hotline: 1-800-953-2371.

Telephone: (860) 953-3334. V/TDD: (860) 951-4791.


New Haven AIDS Project New Haven

(203) 624-0947

AIDS Interfaith Network

(203) 624-4350

Hispanos Unidos Contra El SIDA

(203) 781-0226

Aids Rehabilitation and Long-Term Care

Leeway is a skilled nursing facility for people with AIDS offering short-term, long-term, palliative, and chronic-care services.

Address: 40 Albert Street, New Haven, CT 06511.

Telephone: (203) 865-0068.


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

AA is a fellowship of men and women who have found a solution to their drinking problem. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees; AA is supported by voluntary contributions of its members, neither seeking nor accepting outside funding. Members observe personal anonymity outside of the fellowship group.

E-mail: Website:

Detox /Residential

Cornell Scott Hill Health Center - South Central Rehabilitation Center (SCRC), Detox

New Haven, CT. 06511


Medically Monitored Detox

Retreat Behavioral Health - Residential Detox and Evaluation 

New Haven, CT.


Medically monitored detox (not DMHAS funded)

Stonington Institute - Detox
North Stonington

860-535-1010 (select Option 1)

APT Foundation – Intermediate Residential Services

New Haven, CT. 06519


Chemical Abuse Services Agency (CASA) - CASA Halfway House

Bridgeport, CT.


Transitional/halfway house

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